President Trump is open to short-term DACA deal, White House tells GOP leaders

The DACA discussion has been continuing as there has been a discussion in creating a short-term deal that Trump has appeared to be open to. There have been discussions to create a simpler deal that will allow the Trump administration to be able to start building the wall they so desperately have been wanting to make. By March 23, 2018, there needs to be a new spending bill which means there will be discussions of how to go about DACA. "The outlines of the deal Trump is now willing to explore are much narrower, said the officials familiar with the offer: a two-or-three year extension of the DACA program, which now protects about 690,000 immigrants, coupled with an unspecified amount of border wall funding-hewing to a framework that some GOP moderates explored in the aftermath of February's failed Senate votes. A three-year DACA extension could essentially remove immigration from the congressional agenda until after the 2020 presidential election by removing the threat of deportation for the young immigrants covered by the program". It is interesting to see what will happen as March 23rd going to be here before we know it.


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