
Showing posts from April, 2018

What Exactly is "Chain Migration?"

As we have been studying there has been much buzz around the term "chain migration" as Trump wants to end it and have stronger immigration control. Many people really don't know exactly what chain migration is, " The misconception is that any immigrant can bring as many family members as they would like when they come to the United States. In actuality, the process is much lengthier, in some cases taking up to 23 years, and is limited to certain family members." The article goes into detail to discuss the breakdown of chain migration, #1 is the benefactors. "United States citizens or lawful permanent residents (green card holders) have the ability to sponsor a family member to come to the United States." There is an application process, and not just any immigrant is able to sponsor a family member to be able to come, it isn't a free for all which is what some people think. #2 the number of visas that are granted each year, currently every year ther

Detained then Violated

Early this morning I was scrolling through Twitter, as I always do when I saw something in the News section saying that many women across the US have spoken up about being sexually assaulted while being detained in ICE centers. The article I found stated that there have been 1,224 complaints of sexual abuse and half of those are accused work for ICE. Men and women all across the US have been reported being forced to perform sexual acts with those that are working in the ICE centers they are being detained in, one man shared, "a man said a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent threatened him with deportation after he refused to engage in oral sex — and that the officer told him he would be deported to Haiti, even though the man is from the Bahamas." The reports that The Intercept have been filed from between 2010 and September 2017 I am sure the number has recently gone up, between 2010 and 2016 there had allegedly been a total of 33,000 complaints surrounding abuse

ICE ignoring Mattis directive to not deport Veterans

Defense Secretary James Mattis made an order for ICE to not deport veterans but they aren't listening to him and it is affecting a Chinese immigrant by the name of Xilong Zhu. Zhu enlisted in the Army and enrolled himself into the University of Northern New Jersey which was a university that had been created by the Department of Homeland Security to pose as a real university to catch people who were given fake student visas. Through attending this university Zhu was able to enroll in basic training and receive his visa but ICE asked the Army to let him go since he was there on a fake visa. "He was released after three weeks and is currently waiting for a Seattle judge to issue a ruling on his removal proceedings, according to the Post.“Xilong Zhu, a citizen and national of China, was admitted to the U.S. as an F-1 nonimmigrant student in August 2013 but failed to maintain or comply with the conditions of his nonimmigrant status. As a result, on Nov. 10, 2016, ICE issued him a