Blog #1

There is no hiding that one of the main goals of the Trump administration is to crack down on immigration. During his campaign, he emphasized building a wall along the boarding states of Mexico to prevent people coming into the country illegally. This wall has been a hot topic ever since, and many people are upset with this while others agree with the wall. People leave their home countries to come to America a place they do not know to gain a better life for themselves and their family. There is always something being said in the news about the various things Trump has said he was planning on doing surrounding the issue of immigration. Recently a New York Times Article titled, Trump Appears to Endorse Path to Citizenship for Millions of Immigrants we see Trump in a different light surrounding the topic of immigration. "President Trump on Tuesday appeared to endorse a sweeping immigration deal that would eventually grant millions of undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship, saying he would be willing to “take the heat” politically for an approach that many of his hard-line supporters have long viewed as unacceptable." Reading this was interesting to me because it appears that Trump has had somewhat of a change of heart when it comes to immigration but still seems weird to me. 


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