Blog #3

I found an interesting article this week discussing how an Irish teenager has now found himself a victim of Trump's ongoing battle with immigration and ICE sweeps. Dylan O'Riordan has been held in ICE detention center, he was born in Ireland and came to the US when he was 12 years old, he had a green card but stayed past the 90 days. When he stayed past he continued to live his life like an American teenager, his girlfriend had gotten pregnant and he worked for his uncle to provide for her and their unborn baby. When Dylan and his girlfriend were at the mall they got into an argument and the police became involved, even though the charges had been dropped and the judge let Dylan go someone in the courthouse had tipped him off to ICE and he was picked up. Dylan states in the article ""I was aware how with Trump immigration was going to get a lot harder, but I didn't pay as much mind to it as I should have, which was my first mistake," he says." Dylan eventually will return to Ireland and he is hoping since he married his girlfriend it'll be easier for him to get a green card to return to the US. It's unfortunate that families being broken apart is becoming more common in Trump's immigration laws. It was really sad reading that someone in the courthouse tipped off ICE about Dylan, and makes you wonder why people can't just worry about themselves, why do they feel the need to tear apart a family, what do they gain? 


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