Reality sets in that DACA deal might not get done

Unfortunately, it seems like there is going to be no deal between the Democrats and Republicans when it comes to DACA. DACA has been a hot topic for the past few months since Trump and his administration decided to put an end to DACA. DACA was introduced back in 2012 by then President Obama (whom I deeply miss and still consider my president) to protect the deportation of those that were brought into the US as children. Those who are here in this country through DACA are known as Dreamers in reference to the Dream Act of 2001. Everything that has been going on with DACA and what is going to happen has been on many peoples minds and seeing what Trump and his administration have to say/have planned to do are keeping everyone waiting. It seems like no matter how much we hope there is going to be a deal made there still hasn't been one. "Stakeholders working toward a deal on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, likely including border security, are not giving up hope. But the White House's and some Republicans' insistence on adding new restrictions to legal immigration and the left's opposition could be an insurmountable gap."

With neither side being able to reach an agreement we do not know what is going to happen once DACA is terminated as of March 5. "The proposal did have some concessions to Democrats, including a path to citizenship for an estimated 1.8 million undocumented immigrants, but also included aggressive cuts to legal immigration and a push for enhanced enforcement powers, along with upwards of $25 billion for a wall and other border security. The framework also ends family migration beyond spouses and minor children and abolishes the diversity visa lottery.
The proposal was panned by the left and the right. Groups who support restricting immigration slammed it as "amnesty." Democratic lawmakers and immigration advocates rejected it as a "massive, cruel and family-punishing overhaul of our current legal immigration system," as New Jersey's Sen. Bob Menendez phrased it." It's heartbreaking to read the news and get updates on what is happening through various apps or just through watching the news seeing what is going to happen to about 1.8 million children. Knowing that an agreement most likely won't be reached and these kids are going to have their whole worlds turned upside down is very upsetting. 


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