California AG Pushes Back on Proposal to ask Citizenship in Census

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has been threatening a lawsuit against the Trump administration as the federal government has proposed to include a question regarding citizenship on the 2020 census. Becerra and other attorney generals from other states have come together to send a letter to the U.S. Commerce Secretary saying the question will have an effect on how immigrants participate in the census. If this question is posed, people might not even participate in the census in fear of being deported. Many are worried about this question, and participants may choose to not respond. States with large immigrant populations such as California are worried because this question will affect the total responses they receive. “What the Trump Administration is requesting is not just alarming, it is illegal,” Becerra said. “The California Department of Justice is putting President Trump on notice: if a citizenship question is added to the 2020 U.S. Census Bureau questionnaire, we are prepared to take any and all necessary legal action to protect a full and accurate Census. This is clearly an attempt to bully and discourage our immigrant communities from participating in the 2020 Census count.” This is causing a lot of people to be worried about whether or not the citizenship question will be on the census. I feel people won't participate in the census coming up due to this question, which will give uneven numbers. It is interesting to see how other states or responding to this new question the Trump administration wants to pose.


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