ICE Won't Deport the Last Nazi War Criminal in America

Jakiw Palij is the last Nazi War Criminal in America and he isn't being deported, even if he was going to be deported it isn't like any other country wants to take him either. ICE has deported a total of 56,710 people in their 2018 fiscal year so far, 46% of those deported have not even been convicted of a crime, yet Palij is still in the US. "Palij served as a guard during World War II at the Trawniki forced labor camp, which also trained those participating in “Operation Reinhard,” a plan to exterminate every Jew in German-occupied Poland. He entered the country in 1949 without divulging his past and was later awarded citizenship, of which he was stripped by a federal judge in 2004 and ordered deported." Palij played a major role in making sure 6,000 prisoners faced their death at the hands of the Nazi's one night as they planned an escape but Palij helped in the prevention of their escape which lead to them being systemically butchered. Palij now is 94 years old and no other country wants him which is another reason why he has remained in the US, when he came in 1949 he claimed that he was a farmer not a guard at a concentration camp which is how he gained citizenship. The article continued to go into detailing stating what Palij did as a guard in the concentration camp and his life in the US. He, unfortunately, will live out his last days in the US, which is interesting because he is a criminal and isn’t criminals who Trump is trying to get out of the country


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