
Showing posts from January, 2018

Reality sets in that DACA deal might not get done

Unfortunately, it seems like there is going to be no deal between the Democrats and Republicans when it comes to DACA. DACA has been a hot topic for the past few months since Trump and his administration decided to put an end to DACA. DACA was introduced back in 2012 by then President Obama (whom I deeply miss and still consider my president) to protect the deportation of those that were brought into the US as children. Those who are here in this country through DACA are known as Dreamers in reference to the Dream Act of 2001. Everything that has been going on with DACA and what is going to happen has been on many peoples minds and seeing what Trump and his administration have to say/have planned to do are keeping everyone waiting. It seems like no matter how much we hope there is going to be a deal made there still hasn't been one. "Stakeholders working toward a deal on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, likely including border security, are not giving up hop

Blog #3

I found an interesting article this week discussing how an Irish teenager has now found himself a victim of Trump's ongoing battle with immigration and ICE sweeps. Dylan O'Riordan has been held in ICE detention center, he was born in Ireland and came to the US when he was 12 years old, he had a green card but stayed past the 90 days. When he stayed past he continued to live his life like an American teenager, his girlfriend had gotten pregnant and he worked for his uncle to provide for her and their unborn baby. When Dylan and his girlfriend were at the mall they got into an argument and the police became involved, even though the charges had been dropped and the judge let Dylan go someone in the courthouse had tipped him off to ICE and he was picked up. Dylan states in the article ""I was aware how with Trump immigration was going to get a lot harder, but I didn't pay as much mind to it as I should have, which was my first mistake," he says." Dylan even

Blog Post #2

Trump recently had a meeting on immigration where he said some not so nice things but countries such as Haiti, El Salvador, and the continent of Africa as a whole as "shithole countries." Hearing this I honestly wasn't surprised because it is something that would come out of Trump's mouth, but it is still unbelievable that this man is the President. Everyone that was at the meeting surrounding the topic of immigration was in complete shock at the things Trump said and his tone of voice. At the end of the day can we be completely shocked by what he said? It's disheartening to know that this man is in office, making decisions that are going to tear families apart.

Blog #1

There is no hiding that one of the main goals of the Trump administration is to crack down on immigration. During his campaign, he emphasized building a wall along the boarding states of Mexico to prevent people coming into the country illegally. This wall has been a hot topic ever since, and many people are upset with this while others agree with the wall. People leave their home countries to come to America a place they do not know to gain a better life for themselves and their family. There is always something being said in the news about the various things Trump has said he was planning on doing surrounding the issue of immigration. Recently a New York Times Article titled, Trump Appears to Endorse Path to Citizenship for Millions of Immigrants  we see Trump in a different light surrounding the topic of immigration. " President Trump on Tuesday appeared to endorse a sweeping immigration deal that would eventually grant millions of undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizensh